Aaron Huey
Fire Mountain Residential Treatment Center, US
Title: Dragons, warriors and the mythical saga: Archetypal psychology and why it works with teens in recovery?
Biography: Aaron Huey
This talk will explore the different archetypes, use them as a personality identification tool, teach participants how to recognize them in people and know what their natural strengths and common challenges are. It will give valuable insights to everyone and should be considered essential education for parents, teachers, therapists, mentors, and anyone working to understand or help a diverse population of people, because recognizing someone's core archetype is a key to understanding their unique needs and challenges, and helping them grow. This talk also gives special insight into which clinical intervention is most efficient and effective for each of the Four Prime Archetype personalities. Do you know how the oldest story of trauma and recovery was told? The pathway to recovery is hidden within the Archetypes of the world’s most popular myth! Are you a Warrior? A Wizard? Maybe you are a Bard...or a Jester! This fun and intriguing talk gets the audience pointing fingers at each other, thinking about their clients in a more meaningful way, and even shows us how to predict human behaviors!